Jessika Edgar
October 3-31, 2015
Jessika Edgar: Objects from a Hypothetical Self-Contained Separate Reality
Edgar presents five new ceramic sculptures, which allude to the human form. Inspired by French philosopher George Bataille’s concep of “I’informe” (formlessness), Edgar explores representation of objects that blur categories and identification. Edgar is interested in expanding the notion of “formlessness” in relation to socially constructed identity and value, while referencing contemporary media imagery related to gender, beauty and material desire.
Jessika Edgar is a mixed-media ceramic artist. Edgar received her MFA in Ceramics from Cranbrook Acaemy of Art in 2011. She earned her BA and MA in Art from California State University Northridge (in 2008 and 2009, respectively). Edgar exhibits and lectures nationally. She is Assistant Professor and Area Head of Ceramics at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM.