End User

ROY presents: Tess Elliot

Fri, Nov 13, 2020 - 6:00 PM
Sat, Dec 5, 2020 - 3:00 PM

End User is an exhibition for the end of Donald Trump’s presidency. It interrogates narcissism, within the artist and our body politic, aiming towards an alternative: a vulnerable self and a moment of healing. The work looks for meaning in signs and symbols, both personal and collective. End User consists of small paintings with accompanying text and photographs, viewable via one’s mobile device, screen-based 3D animation, 360 video, and augmented reality.

Tess answers the questions ROY asks

What is your name and preferred pronoun?

Tess Elliot she/her

How has art impacted your life?

Art is an expression of the soul. It puts me in touch with humanity. Through making art, I gain a deeper understanding of the material world. It helps develop my intuition.

When did you begin to create art?

I fell in love with art while at day camp at 4 years old and my parents fostered that passion. I began oil painting landscapes at 11, attended Cooper Union for my BFA where I expanded into video, photography and sculpture, attended Ohio State for an MFA in Art & Technology where I learned 3D modeling, animation, and interactive media. Now I teach Art, Technology, & Culture at the University of Oklahoma and experiment with emerging technologies such as virtual and augmented reality. At 35, I am craving the simplicity and direct connection of painting again while still pursuing my research in advanced tech. 

What do you hope the viewer will think when they see your work?


Artwork is for sale and priced as marked. Artists receive 65% of sales and the 35% ROY retains is invested back into the gallery.

ROY talks with Tess & Justin, view the video here


SmallWorks Exhibition


Two Truths and a Lie